Recently, a customer hired me to sell ruby and diamond rings she was no longer wearing. It just happened to be during the COVID epidemic, when none of my suppliers were open.

The only places where I could sell her rings were auction houses. I chose one that impressed me with their high level of safety and efficiency; I was able to transport her rings and complete all of our transactions from home.

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This customer treats herself to two things: jewelry and travel. Unfortunately, extensive travel is not an option at this time, so she chose to invest in jewelry. The proceeds from that sale were put toward a new design.

“I want a diamond ring in a signet style,’’ she said.

A signet ring that I designed for another customer a couple years prior flashed to mind. I showed her a model of that design and we quickly settled on a perfect ring for her.

At this point in the design process, the question arises: “Do you choose for your budget, or do you choose for what you love to look at the most?”

I told my diamond dealer that I needed him to let me show her three different oval shaped diamonds in small, medium, and large sizes. My client initially chose for budget, but couldn’t stop thinking about the larger diamond. With help from a friend, she decided on the larger diamond and has not regretted it since.

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In fact, every time I see her she says “I love my new ring.”

Tip: Treating yourself to what you love is like a vacation you can wear.

Take Care,


(212) 923-3328 


The Beauty Of Ametrine
