New to JB Jewels: Items from Estates for Sale

As most of you know, I am skilled in appraising, designing, and selling fine jewelry.

For over a decade, my clients have entrusted me to sell their estates for the highest dollar value. I show the jewelry to estate buyers, auction houses, and private dealers.

I'm selective with my clients' jewelry, and occasionally do not accept offers that are presented to us. With that in mind, I have decided to add a feature to my business where I will be posting items from estates for sale.

These pieces will be for sale for only a short period of time (1-2 months). If you are interested in any of these items or have any questions for me, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your support.

~ Jane

(212) 923-3328


Money Found in the Most Unlikely Places


Turning a Family Heirloom into Four Contemporary Styles